illustrator is my new best friend

I just wrote a quick little article for my friends at the Levo League about learning beyond the classroom. I mention that one of my new things that I’m learning is Adobe. I’m officially a member of a group of college bloggers and received a full copy of Adobe Creative Suite… I. Am. In. Heaven.
I legitimately couldn’t download the program for a week because I had tons of homework and knew I would spend way too long playing on the computer. Well, obviously I’ve learned that downloading the program in the midst of final projects was probably not the best idea. Oh well… I’m going to have to implement some self control!!!
I decided to create some vector images based on photographs of my favorite outfits! This is the Mariam dress from Kate Spade. I think that the dress is too fun and I loved how this one was styled in this shot. Playing with it in Illustrator was a great project.

I have no idea if there is a better way to do it (but, hey, this is a learning process), but I started by placing the screen shot on the document. I locked it in place and dimmed it. Then I just started outlining everything. I sort of pick and choose which shadows I want to highlight and which ones don’t need to be vectorized. Sometimes I delete an entire layer at a time if I don’t like where it’s heading.

Labeling the layers is imperative. I don’t know what I would do without labels… probably go insane.

This is an inside of a layer. Not sure what the technical term is, but I keep all the shadows within one layer.
The end!
I also did some of my favorite looks from the crewcuts “Looks We Love” because, well… I think they’re cute 🙂

Here’s the illustrator girls next to the original images.

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Adorable! Carly, I've been wanting to download one of the Adobe programs to use for my blog and for a few graphic design/stationary projects I want to try. It's been great to see your Photoshop tutorials, and I'd love your opinion on whether Photoshop or InDesign is a better option for design and for adding photos into bigger spreads, as opposed to just manipulating individual photos. Thanks so much, and I'd love for you to visit Captive the Heart, my marriage prep blog!

Kelsey Albrektson

I need Adobe Photoshop! This looks like so much fun! Im in the same boat with school and finals, so maybe I will download this summer when I can really play around with it! Thanks for the tutorial!


Those turned out awesome! I've played around a little with illustrator, but I really don't know the ropes, haha.


This is so awesome, I'm impressed! I used to Adobe programs a lot but have lost my skills and have been wanting to get back into it. Thanks for the tips and tricks!

Southern Sass

Thanks for the tips and tricks, I love reading them! I feel like my Adobe programs are being wasted because I have forgotten alot of the skills.
