Two Quotations for the Week

“If you want something you’ve never had, you must
be willing to do something you’ve never done.”

– Thomas Jefferson

This quotation showed up on Pinterest a few times
over the last week. I’ve heard it before, but it especially resonated with me
right now. It’s obviously no secret that I’ve struggled with anxiety quite a
bit. And even though I have my moments, I’ve really gotten a lot better about a
lot of my crazies.
In order to lessen my anxiety about whatever I
needed to get over, it was as simple as just stepping outside of my comfort
zone. I say “simple” here, but for the bad crazies, it’s a lot easier said than
done. Something can seem simple without necessarily being easy.
If you break down that Thomas Jefferson quotation,
you really have the secret to accomplishing whatever you want.
Idly sitting back and waiting for something to
change or to reach a far off goal will do very little. Doing the same things,
business-as-usual will not change anything either. If you’ve been witnessing
steady growth (personal, financial, or otherwise), you’ll continue to see the
steady growth. But if you want different
or more, you have to make some sort
of change.
There is a certain risk factor involved here.
Changing the status quo also means there is a chance that things might get
worse. But, I believe that as long as you’re smart about it and truly listening
to your gut, following your heart, and using your brain, you’ll be better off
in the long run.
I would really sit back and figure out what it is
that you want and then make an action plan to get it done. Just like the
quotation says, you have to be willing
to do the actions. There are lots of things I want, of course, but I’m not
quite ready to jump out of my comfort zone to get it done.
But that’s also how you know when you really want
to accomplish a great goal. When it doesn’t matter what is standing in your
way, you’re ready to plow through every barrier, leap over every obstacle, and
truly break out of your comfort zone­ with no fear.
Another aspect of this quotation is that if you do
the norm, you’ll get the norm. (At least you’re almost guaranteed…) This
weekend, when I was with Kiel and Sarah, we were talking about the risks we had
each personally made. We had all ignored the well-beaten path and opted instead
for scarier, albeit more adventurous road. (And, we discussed, with that bumpy
less traveled road comes some big ups and also some big downs, but the payoff in
the end is well worth it.)
This quotation by Edison goes hand-in-hand with
“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over
but expecting different results.”
Yea… couldn’t agree more. I sometimes find myself
thinking, “Oh this time it will be different.” Even though, I’ve said something
similar about forty times before. You
must be willing to do something you’ve never done
The past few weeks have included lots of leaps of
faith and lots of personal changes in the hopes of reaching some of my goals.
I’m excited. Willing. And ready to go. But it isn’t to say that I’m without my
occasional hesitation. I let what other people think is “normal” creep into my
head sometimes, instead of doing what I know will work for me. Jefferson’s
quote has officially been transcribed in a few prominent places and I will
carry it with me throughout the coming months when things might get a little
bit harder. Because I know that the
journey (not just the destination) is worth it


{photo via Martha Stewart}

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As someone who also struggles with anxiety issues, I can totally relate to this post. Thanks for being so real – it's very encouraging to see someone else stepping out of their comfort zone in order to live life fully. Here's another quote you might like; it's one of my favorites:

"You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.' You must do the thing you think you cannot do."
~Eleanor Roosevelt

Caroline White

Hi Carly! I am new to blogging, and have been following yours since what seems like forever! How do you make your quote photos/wallpapers? I am very interested in making my own!
